At Florida Bee Removal, we have experience in removing all types of bees, including carpenter bees, bumblebees, and more. One of our most popular services is honey bee removal—if you suspect there is a honeybee colony in your home, simply give us a call to have our team remove it for you. In this article, we’ll go over a few ways to tell if you need honey bee removal services.
• Pay Attention to Bee Activity – One way to tell if you need honey bee removal services is to pay attention to the level of bee activity around your property. If you start noticing more bees flying around your yard than usual, or if you start seeing bees inside your home, then you probably have a hive close by, and in some cases, it may be inside your home.
• Check for Stains on the Walls – Another way to tell if you need honey bee removal services is to check your home for signs of honey. If honey bees build a home in your walls, you will start to see dark spots and stains on your walls—that’s the honey leaking out.
• Do a Sniff Test – A third way to determine if you need honey bee removal services is to pay attention to how your home smells. If one area of your home takes on a sweet smell, then you may have a honey bee colony on your hands. We encourage you to give our team a call so we can inspect the area and make a plan for honey bee removal.